【中興大學國際講者線上講座】高教深耕厚實特色學院計畫_文學與語言之教與學: 國際大師講座之五(12/10)
高教深耕厚實特色學院計畫_文學與語言之教與學: 國際大師講座之五
時間Time: 2021/12/10 (Fri.) 2 p.m-4 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time: GMT+8)
講題: Children’s Literature and the Victorian Knowledge Explosion
講者: DR. Shih-Wen Sue Chen 陳詩雯
[● Senior Lecturer in Writing and Literature in Deakin University ,
●President of the Australasian Children’s Literature Association for Research ]
主辦單位: 國立中興大學外國語文學系
▶ 請於12月6日前完成線上報名,並將於12月8日發送線上講座連結。
▶ Please register before 6th, December. The online lecture link will be sent on 8th December.
▶ 因google meet最高上限人數為100人,敬請有意參與者盡早報名,名額額滿時即關閉報名。
▶ The participant of google meet is 100 people. Please register as soon as possible.